Warcraft 1.26 Switcher Download & 1.25b
As usual, Warcraft 1.26 Version Switcher is now available for download.
It contains Warcraft 3 patch version files which allows you to switch
between multiple Warcraft 3 versions easily without any problems. This
version of WVS will allow you to upgrade/downgrade from Warcraft 1.25b
to Warcraft 1.26. You can play & watch older version games with it.
Warcraft 1.26 Switcher Download:
Patch File for Version Switcher:
• This version will only work if you have Warcraft 1.25b patch: previously installed.(you can download below)
• Right click "Wvs.exe" and Run as administrator, if you are using Windows 7 or Vista.
• 1.26a =
• Post a comment, if you have any problems!
resource : Dota_utilities
Warcraft 1.25b patch
Warcraft 1.25b Switcher | Warcraft Version Switcher 1.25b Download:
Warcraft v1.25b Patch Zip File for Version Switcher:
• This program will only work if you have 1.24e patch previously installed.
• You must right click "Wvs.exe"and click "run it as administrator" in Windows 7 & Vista.
• is for 1.25b patch.
Warcraft 1.26 Switcher Download:
WVS-126-by-DotA_Utilities.rar (80.5 MB)If you already have wvs program and other patch files, download the TFT Version file below and copy/paste it in WVS of version switcher directory.
Patch File for Version Switcher:
TFT Version (mirror 1)
•Download the Warcraft Version Switcher 1.26 from the link above. (Download TFT Version if you already have other patch files & version switcher program)
• Extract the files to any folder using WinRaR.
• Run Wvs.exe and click the Options button.
• Set your Warcraft 3 path (where your Wc3 is is installed)
• Click (1st button) Switch Version and double click your desired Warcraft 3 version.
• Your version will be switched!
![Warcraft Version Switcher 1.26](
• This version will only work if you have Warcraft 1.25b patch: previously installed.(you can download below)
• Right click "Wvs.exe" and Run as administrator, if you are using Windows 7 or Vista.
• 1.26a =
• Post a comment, if you have any problems!
resource : Dota_utilities
Warcraft 1.25b patch
Warcraft 1.25b Switcher | Warcraft Version Switcher 1.25b Download:
WVS-125b-by-DotA_Utilities.rar (66.9 MB)If you already have the Warcraft Version Switcher, you can download Warcraft 1.25b zip archive and place it in WVS folder.
Warcraft v1.25b Patch Zip File for Version Switcher:
TFT Version (mirror 1)
This file must be placed in WVS folder in Warcraft Version Switcher directory.
1. Download the 1.25b patch switcher from the links above.Note:
2. Extract the files to any folder using WinRAR.
3. After extracting run WVS.exe and set your Warcraft 3 path.
4. Click the first button switch version and double click your desired Warcraft 3 patch you wanna switch to and click yes.
5. Your War3 version will be switched.
• This program will only work if you have 1.24e patch previously installed.
• You must right click "Wvs.exe"and click "run it as administrator" in Windows 7 & Vista.
• is for 1.25b patch.
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Posted by Adhi Rohmantoro
Posted by Adhi Rohmantoro
LakonAnimasi videos : Pada suatu ketika
Surabaya-Animasi indonesiakah ini???apakah benar???? pasti itu yang ada di benak kalian sama dengan saya waktu pertama kali melihat video ini.Saat saya pertama kali melihat video ini saya langsung bangga kalau tahu ini buatan asli indonesia.. yaudah lah ini ada screenshot ama cuplikan videonya.
Blender 3D maker
Blender | Ingin membuat konten/objek 3D dengan mudah?? Mungkin sobat blogger bisa mencoba aplikasi grafis 3 dimensi yang satu ini, yakni Blender. Dengan Blender sobat blogger dapat membuat konten 3D dengan mudah.
Ini contoh meja yang sangat simple yang saya buat menggunakan Blender.
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Aplikasi Blender ini support berbagai macam Platforms loh sob, diantaranya Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mac OS X (PPC and Intel), Linux FreeBSD dan dapat bekerja pada arsitekrur 32 atau 64 bit systems.
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Ini contoh meja yang sangat simple yang saya buat menggunakan Blender.
Dan ini salah satu contoh hasil yang udah mahir bermain blender, hehe.
Aplikasi Blender ini support berbagai macam Platforms loh sob, diantaranya Windows XP, Vista, 7, Mac OS X (PPC and Intel), Linux FreeBSD dan dapat bekerja pada arsitekrur 32 atau 64 bit systems.
Blender Minimal specs for Hardware :
- 1 GHZ Single Core CPU
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- 1024 x 768 px Display with 16 bit color
- 3 Button Mouse
- Open GL Graphics Card with 64 MB RAM
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